With our wide range of product categories spanning grocery and household consumables, we offer you a variety of products for your family's needs. Great Value products provide families with affordable, high quality grocery and household consumable options. Get creative in the kitchen with our Great Value Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese. Low-moisture part-skim mozzarella cheese and low-moisture part-skim scamorza cheese conform to the definition and standard of identity and comply with the requirements for label declaration of ingredients prescribed for low-moisture mozzarella cheese and low-moisture scamorza cheese by § 133. With only 80 calories and a whopping seven grams of protein per serving, this cheese is an excellent choice for the health-conscious consumer. Make a homemade pizza by melting this gooey cheese over dough and tomato sauce, cut into chunks and add to a hearty salad, or just break off a piece straight from the block and enjoy as is. Low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella cheese has a lower fat content than its whole milk cousin, but still packs a tasty punch that's perfect for a variety of dishes. If you do happen to see bufala while shopping, I definitely suggest buying a ball or two and savoring it.Fill your next recipe with flavor using our Great Value Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese. Because of the PDO regulations, it can't be produced here in America accordingly, this variety of mozzarella can be challenging to find because true bufala must be imported. All of this has gained it the moniker "white gold." Bufala mozzarella is of such high quality, it's perfect for enjoying plain as-is. The amount of sodium for a variety of types and serving sizes of Mozzarella Cheese is shown below. Low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella cheeses were made, at pilot scale (450 kg), on five occasions at weekly intervals from milks containing -casein AA.

It's the mozzarella for authentic Neapolitan pizza and even has Protected Designation of Origin status in Italy, in order to determine how and where it's made. The favorite choice for the term 'Mozzarella Cheese' is 1 slice of Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese which has about 150 mg of sodium. Frigo Low Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese has a creamy texture and is easy to shred and slice. Bufala mozzarella has twice the fat of regular fiore di latte and an impossibly creamy and smooth texture. In the way that "Champagne" is sparkling wine that can only be made in the Champagne region of France, true bufala mozzarella can only be made with milk from this specific water buffalo in Campania. That said, these water buffalo are much more similar to cows than the American buffalo we know. Available in both Whole Milk and Part Skim varieties, Galbani Low Moisture Mozzarella has a creamy taste and a firmer texture, which makes it the ideal. It's actually made from a very specific type of domesticated water buffalo in the Campania region of Italy. Make a homemade pizza by melting this gooey cheese over dough and tomato sauce, cut into chunks and add to a hearty salad, or just break off a piece straight from the block and enjoy. OK, so first off, this is not mozzarella made from an American buffalo. Low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella cheese has a lower fat content than its whole milk cousin, but still packs a tasty punch thats perfect for a variety of dishes.